North / West Michigan Chapter Regional Offices - Support Groups
North/West Michigan Chapter Regional Office
(231) 929-3804 or 1-800-272-3900.
The association is able to give support group meetings, education, and care consultations throughout Northwestern Michigan. Web g
Antrim County Please call for further information. Facilitators: Debbie Monroe and Lisa Teglas, (231) 929-3804.
Benzie Caregiver Support meets the first Wednesday of each month from 2:00 - 3:00 at Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital (1st floor Patient Ed room), 224 Park Ave. Frankfort. Facilitator: Jeanette McNinch, (231) 352-2208.
Charlevoix Caregiver Support meets the third Tuesday of each month from 1:30 - 3:00 pm at the Charlevoix County Commission on Aging, 207 Antrim St., Charlevoix. Facilitator: Leigh Reis, (231) 237-0103.
Charlevoix Caregiver Support meets the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30 at the Charlevoix County Adult Day Care Center, 116 Main Street, East Jordan. Facilitator Leigh Reis, (231) 237-0103.
Charlevoix Caregiver Support meets the third Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at Boyne Area Senior Center, 411 E. Division, Boyne City. Facilitator: Leigh Reis, (231) 237-0103
Emmet Caregiver Support meets the second Wednesday each month at 1:30 at the Friendship Center of Emmett County, 1322 Anderson Road, Petoskey. Facilitator: Suzanne Holguin, (231) 347-3211.
Kalkaska Caregiver Support meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 2:00 –3:00 pm at the Kalkaska Memorial Health Center, 419 Coral St., Kalkaska. Facilitator: Rebecca Barr, (231) 258-7522. Respite available.
Leelanau Caregiver meets the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 at Tendercare Leelanau, 124 West 4th Street, Suttons Bay.. Respite available. Facilitators: Melanie Martell and Holly Joaquin, (231) 929-3804.
Manistee Caregiver Support meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Manistee Medical Care Facility, 1505 E. Parkdale Ave., Manistee. Facilitator: Mike Senters, (231) 723-2543, Ext. 112.
Missaukee County Support Group Please call for further information. Facilitators: Debra Monroe and Lisa Teglas, (231) 929-3804.
Wexford County Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 2:00 at Green Acres Retirement Living, 235 Pearl Street, Cadillac. Facilitator: Tara O'Brien, (231) 775-5300.
Traverse City Support Groups
Caregiver Support meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 1:00 at the Grand Traverse Pavilions, Hawthorne Cottage, 3rd floor, Traverse City. Respite care available. Facilitator: Evon Ryan, (231) 645-2341
Persons with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month from 11:00 - noon at the Alzheimer's Association Office, 1040 Walnut St., Traverse City. Facilitators: Debbie Monroe and Lisa Teglas, (231) 929-3804.
Men's Caregiver Group meets the first Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm in the Alzheimer's Association Office, 1040 Walnut St., Traverse City. Facilitator: Dick Nunnelley, (231) 929-3804.
