Bloomfield Township Senior Services
Director: Christine Tvaroha
7273 Wing Lake Road
Bloomfield Township MI 48301
(Bloomfield Schools Support Services building,
south of Maple, west of Telegraph.)
Fax: 248.341.6459
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Our supportive services are often fundamental in assisting elderly residents to remain in their homes and our community. It is well known that an ill or disabled person’s quality of life and quality of care are generally much better in their own home. We offer home delivered meals, liquid nutritional supplements, home chore and safety, telephone reassurance, information and referrals, support groups, medical transportation, health and wellness information and screening, as well as many volunteer opportunities. Our most recent addition to services is the Adult Day Service which opened in December, 2006.
Wellness through engagement in enrichment opportunities is truly necessary for people at every level of health and ability. Our lifelong learning and interactive opportunities offered to 50+ residents stimulate the mind and the body. Classes include: drawing and painting, beginning computer classes through selling on eBay, 50+ strength training, Tai Chi, yoga, aerobics, health education, volunteer work, current events, book discussions, various card games, billiards, bridge, lapidary, poker, Italian group, movies, bowling and golf leagues. There are 90+ day trips annually and some extended travel.
